Lakshyakiran Cosmetic Laser Center, Kolhapur, India
For All your Beauty needs. With Varicose Vein Surgery using India's first 1320 Nd:YAG Laser.
Dr Uddhav A. Patil-
MS, MCh(Plastic Surgeon)
+091 9422952295
Monday, February 12, 2018
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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xKy zalI Aahe Tyaiv8yI pahUya pu!Il leqat|
Monday, September 28, 2015
Lakshyakiran Cosmetic Laser Center, Kolhapur, India: Wrinkles
Laser Treatment
What is Laser Therapy?
Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light. Laser light is a very
special kind of light. Unlike most light sources, it is tuned to very specific
wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. Laser light is
so intense it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel. In medicine, lasers
offer surgeons the ability to work very precisely. They can focus on a small
area and damage less of the surrounding tissue. Patients who have laser therapy
may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery.
However, laser therapy is expensive. It may also require repeated treatments.
special kind of light. Unlike most light sources, it is tuned to very specific
wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. Laser light is
so intense it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel. In medicine, lasers
offer surgeons the ability to work very precisely. They can focus on a small
area and damage less of the surrounding tissue. Patients who have laser therapy
may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery.
However, laser therapy is expensive. It may also require repeated treatments.
Laser stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
What is Laser Therapy Used For?
Laser therapy is used in many procedures. It may be used to:
- shrink or destroy tumors, polyps, or precancerous
growths - relieve symptoms of cancer
- remove kidney stones
- remove part of the prostate
- repair a detached retina
- improve vision (“laser eye surgery”)
Lasers can have a cauterizing (sealing) effect. They may be used to seal:
- nerve endings, to reduce pain after surgery
- blood vessels, to help prevent blood loss
- lymph vessels, to reduce swelling and limit spread of
tumor cells
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), lasers may be useful in treating the very early stages of
cancers such as:
cancers such as:
- cervical cancer
- penile cancer
- vaginal cancer
- vulvar cancer
- non-small cell lung cancer
- basal cell skin cancer (NCI)
When used in cancer treatment, lasertherapy is usually used alongside other treatments such as surgery,
chemotherapy, or radiation.Laser therapy is also usedcosmetically. It can:
chemotherapy, or radiation.Laser therapy is also usedcosmetically. It can:
- remove warts, moles, birthmarks, and sun spots
- remove hair
- lessen the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes or scars
- remove tattoos
Laser therapy techniques vary basedon the specific procedure being performed. For example, if a tumor is being treated, a flexible endoscope may be used to direct the laser. This is a thin, lighted tube used to view tissues inside the body.The endoscope is inserted through an opening in the body, such as the mouth. The surgeon then aims the laser and shrinks or destroys the tumor.In contrast, for cosmetic procedures,
lasers are often applied directly to the skin.Different lasers are used for different procedures:
lasers are often applied directly to the skin.Different lasers are used for different procedures:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
lasers make shallow cuts. They are often used for superficial cancers, such as skin cancer. - Argon lasers
also make shallow cuts. They can be used to activate photosensitizing (light activated) drugs during Photodynamic therapy (PDT). This type of cancer treatment combines light with chemotherapy to kill more cancer cells. - Nd:YAG
lasers can travel along optical fibers. They are used in Laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT), a type of cancer treatment.
Laser therapy has some risks.According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the risks for skin therapy include:
- triggering the herpes simplex virus, the virus that causes cold sores and genital herpes
- bleeding
- infection
- pain
- scarring
- skin color changes
There are other potential downsides to laser therapy.
- The effects may not be permanent. Repeated treatment may be necessary.
- Some laser surgery is done when a patient is under general anesthesia, which carries its own set of risks.
- Treatments are expensive. This type of therapy may not be affordable for many patients.
What are the Benefits of Laser Therapy?
There are many potential benefits of receiving laser therapy:
There are many potential benefits of receiving laser therapy:
- Lasers are more precise than traditional surgical instruments. Cuts can be made shorter and shallower. This causes less damage to tissue.
- Operations are generally shorter than traditional surgeries. They can often be done on an outpatient basis. Patients don’t have to spend the night in the hospital. If general anesthesia is required, it is usually used for a shorter time..
- Patients usually heal faster. They may have less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgeries.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Worried that your skin looks older than you feel?
Here are 23 ways to reduce wrinkles
Whether you're 35 and just
beginning to see the first signs of ageing or 55 with skin that isn't exactly
keeping your birthday a secret, seeking ways to reduce wrinkles is probably
on your agenda.
At the same time, experts say,
many of us are losing the wrinkle battle, watching helplessly as the glow of
youth goes on the dimmer switch.
Many women as well as men believe
that ageing skin is inevitable, but with the information and technologies we
have today, you really can look as young as you feel.
How to Reduce Wrinkles?
What You Can Do |
1. Avoid The Sun
It's the No. 1 cause of wrinkles,
with dozens of studies documenting the impact. In one study that looked at
identical twins, New York plastic surgeon found sun exposure was even more
important than heredity. Siblings who limited sun time had fewer wrinkles and
looked younger overall than their sun-worshiping twins.
2. Wear Sunscreen
If you must go out in the sun, the
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says, wear sunscreen! It will protect
you from skin cancer, and help prevent wrinkles at the same time.
3. Don't Smoke
Some of the research is still
controversial, but more and more studies are confirming that cigarette smoke
ages skin mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and
elastin, important components of the skin. Sibling studies done at the Twin
Research Unit at St. Thomas Hospital in London found the brother or sister who
smoked tended to have skin that was more wrinkled and up to 40% thinner than
the non-smoker.
4. Get Adequate Sleep
Yale dermatologist Nicholas
Perricone, MD, says that when you don't get enough sleep, the body produces
excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Get enough rest,
Perricone says, and you'll produce more HGH (Human Growth Hormone), which
helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to
5. Sleep On Your Back.
The American Academy of
Dermatology (AAD) cautions that sleeping in certain positions at night leads
to sleep lines wrinkles that become etched into the surface of the skin and
don't disappear once you're up. Sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on
cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down gives you a furrowed brow. To
reduce wrinkle formation, the AAD says, sleep on your back.
6. Don't Squint Get Reading Glasses!
The AAD says any repetitive facial
movement like squinting overworks facial muscles, forming a groove beneath
the skin's surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. Also important:
wear sunglasses. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage and
further keep you from squinting.
7. Eat More Fish Particularly Salmon
Not only is salmon (along with
other cold-water fish) a great source of protein one of the building blocks
of your skin. it's also an awesome source of an essential fatty acid known as
Omega-3. Perricone tells WebMD that essential fatty acids help nourish skin
and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.
8. Eat More Soy
So far, most of the proof has come
from animal studies, but research does show certain properties of soy may
help protect or heal some of the Sun's photoaging damage. In one recent human
study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers reported
that a soy-based supplement (other ingredients included fish protein and
extracts from white tea, grapeseed, and tomato, as well as several vitamins)
improved skin's structure and firmness after just six months of use.
9. Trade Coffee For Cocoa
In a study published in the
Journal of Nutritionin 2006, researchers found cocoa containing high levels
of two dietary flavanols (epicatchin and catechin) protected skin from sun
damage, improved circulation to skin cells, affected hydration, and made the
skin look and feel smoother.
10. Eat More Fruits And Vegetables
The key, says Kraus, are their
antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight damage caused by free radicals
(unstable molecules that can damage cells), which in turn helps skin look
younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photoaging.
11. Use Moisturizer
"Women, especially, are so
concerned with antiaging products they often overlook the power of a simple
moisturizer. Skin that is moist simply looks better, so lines and creases are
far less noticeable," .
12. Don't Over Wash Your Face
According to dermatologists at the
University of Maryland Medical Center, tap water strips skin of its natural
barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrinkles. Wash them off too
often, and you wash away protection. Moreover, unless your soap contains
moisturizers, you should use a cleanser instead.
Topical Treatments That Reduce
Studies show the following
ingredients can reduce wrinkles. Most are found in a variety of skin-care
treatments, both prescription and over-the-counter.
13. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)
These natural fruit acids lift
away the top layer of dead skin cells, reducing the appearance of fine lines
and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes. New evidence shows that in higher
concentrations, AHAs may help stimulate collagen production.
14. Retinoids (Including Retin A)
The only FDA-approved topical
treatment for wrinkles is tretinoin, known commercially as Retin A. Ashinoff
says this prescription cream reduces fine lines and large wrinkles, and
repairs sun damage. Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A found in many
over-the-counter products. Studies show that in a stabilized formula, in high
concentrations, it may be as effective as Retin A, without the side effects,
such as skin burning and sensitivity.
15. Topical Vitamin C
Studies at Tulane University,
among others, have found it can increase collagen production, protect against
damage from UVA and UVB rays, correct pigmentation problems, and improve
inflammatory skin conditions. The key, however, may be the type of vitamin C
used. To date, most of the research points to the L-ascorbic acid form as the
most potent for wrinkle relief.
16. Idebenone
This chemical cousin to the
nutrient coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)is a super-powerful antioxidant. In one study
published recently in the Journal of Dermatology, doctors found that with
just 6 weeks of topical use, there was a 26% reduction in skin roughness and
dryness, a 37% increase in hydration, a 29% decrease in lines and wrinkles,
and a 33% overall improvement in sun-damaged skin. Other studies have found
similar results.
17. Growth Factors
Part of the body's natural
wound-healing response, these compounds, when applied topically, may reduce
sun damage and decrease lines and wrinkles, while rejuvenating
collagen production, studies have
18. Pentapeptides
The results of a study supported
by the National Institutes of Health suggested pentapeptides can increase
collagen production in sun-damaged skin. Several subsequent studies showed
that when topically applied, pentapeptides stimulated collagen production and
diminished lines and wrinkles.
Medical And Spa Treatments That
Reduce Wrinkles
19. Botulinum Toxin Type A
An injection of this purified
version of the Botulinum Toxin A relaxes the muscle just underneath the
wrinkle, allowing the skin on top to lie smooth and crease-free.
20. Wrinkle Fillers
Doctors fill wrinkles with a variety
of substances, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, and other synthetic
compounds. Popular treatments include Restylane, Juvederm, and ArteFill, among
21. Laser & light Resurfacing.
Here, energy from a light source --
either a laser or a pulsed diode light -- removes the top layer of skin,
causing a slight but unnoticeable skin "wounding." This kicks the
skin's natural collagen-production system into high gear, resulting in
smoother, more wrinkle-free skin.
22. Chemical Peels
In this treatment, one of a variety
of different chemicals is used to "burn" away the top layer of skin,
creating damage that causes the body to respond by making more collagen. You
end up with younger-looking, smoother skin.
23. Dermabrasion. |
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